Monday 30 May 2016


I had a day out with one of my new cameras, the second one had not arrive just yet but is here now.

Unfortunately my new camera took a tumble and this was not my fault...I stood up from doingg some macro photography because a couple with a pram were coming along a path towards me. I then started to black-out, as I unfortunately so often do, and the next thing I was aware of was lying on the floor on my side and sitting up, wondering where I was.

Turned out I had some sort of major seizure. I could feel convulsions, or violently shaking, as I came around. I bumpeed into the couple later and it turned out I was out for like ten minutes.

I had one of these once before ... a very long time ago and was out for about thirty minutes.

Also quite unfortunately I had been fearing as well as expecting something like this to occur as my black-outs had been getting stronger and I had been falling down on the floor as opposed to leaning and hanging onto a magazine rack while I blacked out in Sainsburys or WH Smiths.

Anyway .. while I was out a got a few things ...

Like Orange Tip Butterflies ...

A very tiny Damselfly like insect which I have no idea what it is ...

A small moth with a single large central white blotch ...

My new CamPark Action Camera which is waterproof and going to ive me a whole new dimension to my videos ... SUB-AQUATIC ;) ...

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