Saturday 17 February 2018


Well I have not published much but .. I have been out several times ..

I have been visiting a spot between Walthamstow and Hackney in East London where it technically borders a part of North London really considered to be East London .. lol.

Now I was told of three species of bird were seen here and these are Goldcrests, Kingfishers and Firecrests? I will tell you what I said to that .. "No fucking way!"

You see I frequented this areas as a kid and collected Common Newts and Palmate Newts from this site and .. no one was supposed to be in there. There used to be a hole in a wallk we used to get through.

I was a keen bird watcher when I was a kid and .. the very idea of even seeing something like Goldcrests there and anywhere else in this area was ludicrous and never happened. Ever!

But blow me down all three are indeed there as I now have photographic evidence of it .. despite killing my back with my very heavy photographic equipment. My Sony A99II is not particularly heavy but the Sony f2.8 70-200mm lens has crushed my vertebrae several times! Lol.

Photos not great but at least I know that these birds are there and now I can work on getting far better photos!!

Now let me see if I can link my photos in from FlickR .. umm .. NOPE ..

Just like Google and their Adsense crap, their Chrome Browser and now Google's Blogger .. nothing bloody works! LMAO! But they are alooof and refuse to talk to you because they think all their crap works!!

Oh well .. here are some pictures and links .. there are a lot more photos and will be more coming ..

Oh and there is video too ..

You can like this Kingfisher photo here ..

You can like this Firecrest photo here ..

You can like thias Firecrest photo here ..

You can like this Kingfisher photo here ..

You can like this Goldcrest photo here ..

You can like this Goldcrest photo here ..

You can like this Goldrest photo here ..

Long way away butin the distance you will note a blob of orange .. a Kingfisher and it did land right underneath our noses just out of sight a few minutes later .. the good but washed out photo above .. which I got purely because I see the reeds bend a certain way .. stood up and there it was .. got a photo but it raced off before I could hit the video button on my DSLT.

If you freeze the last video at 4 seconds exactly you should see a Firecrest and it should be unmistakable as to what it is.